4.1 Concept, need, importance and domains of early identification and intervention of disabilities and twice exceptional children;
4.2 Organising Cross Disability Early Intervention services;
4.3 Screening and assessments of disabilities and twice exceptional children;
4.4 Role of parents, community, ECEC and other stakeholders in early intervention as per RPD- 2016 and NEP 2020;
4.5 Models of early intervention-(home-based, centre-based, hospital-based, combination) with reference to transition from home to school;
3.1 Intellectual Disability;
3.2 Specific Learning Disabilities;
3.3 Autism Spectrum Disorder;
3.4 Mental Illness, Multiple Disabilities;
3.5 Chronic Neurological Conditions and Blood Disorders;
2.1 Locomotor Disability-Poliomyelitis, Cerebral Palsy/Muscular Dystrophy;
2.2 Visual Impairment-Blindness and Low Vision;
2.3 Hearing Impairment-Deafness and Hard of Hearing;
2.4 Speech and language Disorder;
2.5 Deaf-blindness and multiple disabilities;
1.1 Historical perspectives of Disability – National and International & Models of Disability;
1.2 Concept, Meaning and Definition – Handicap, Impairment, Disability, activity limitation,habilitation
and Rehabilitation;
1.3 Definition, categories (Benchmark Disabilities) & the legal provisions for PWDs in India;
1.4 An overview of Causes, Prevention, prevalence & demographic profile of disability: National and
1.5 Concept, meaning and importance of Cross Disability Approach and interventions;
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